
Contents Pack of 5
Number of Packs 1 12 40 100
Number of Kits 5 60 200 500
Price Per Kit £8.75 £8.5 £8.25 £8
Total Basket £43.75 £510 £1650 £4000
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Contents Pack of 20
Number of Packs 1 3 10 25
Number of Kits 20 60 200 500
Price Per Kit £7 £6.75 £6.5 £6.25
Total Basket £140 £405 £1300 £3125
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Contents Pack of 5 Pack of 20
Number of Packs 1 12 40 100 1 3 10 25
Number of Kits 5 60 200 500 20 60 200 500
Price Per Kit £8.75 £8.5 £8.25 £8 £7 £6.75 £6.5 £6.25
Total Basket £43.75 £510 £1650 £4000 £140 £405 £1300 £3125

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Contents Pack of 5 Pack of 20
Number of Quantity 1-11 12-39 40-99 1-3 4-9 10-24 25-100
Price Before £43.75 £42.5 £41.25 £140 £135 £130 £125
Price After £40 £38 £35 £129 £128 £127 £125
Price Per Kit £8 £7.6 £7 £6.45 £6.4 £6.35 £6.25

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  • *all prices are exclusive of VAT

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